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MIMO 控制系统

http://www.sh361.com 时间:2006-09-05 13:40来源:互联网

  在大多数多输入多输出MIMO控制系统,一个输入信号的变化会使多个输出量发生变化,每个输出也不只受一个输入的影响而工业过程控制则要求系统能够安全稳定地运行;有较好的调节 性 能 以 较 小 的 误 差 跟 踪 设 定 值 的 变 化, 或 使 误 差 为 零.但是,由于系统有多个输入和多个输出, 内部结构比较复杂.(If there is a one-many relationship between the inputs and targets in the training data, then it is not possible for any mapping of the form to perform perfectly. It is straightforward to show that if a probability density P(Y|X) describes the data, then the minimum of error measure is attained by the map taking X to the average target. Any given network might or not be able to approximate this mapping well, but when trained as well as possible it will form its best possible approximation to this mean.)
